It tells the story of John Jairo Velásquez better known for "Alias JJ" and "Popeye" during prison from the capture in the death of Pablo Emilio Escobar until the last years of prison, showing the most important and relevant events that he had, during the confinement in it. It also tells the history of this country at the political and social level of that time during the Narco-terrorism season.After becoming the sole survivor of the Medellín Cartel. Alias JJ, decides to surrender to justice in the decline of Pablo Escobar and in prison he must face his enemies and survive.In this app El Patron del Mal you will find the same characters as: Alias JJ (Surviving Escobar, Alias JJ - Tells the story of John Jairo Velásquez better known as "Alias Popeye" during prison from the capture in the death of Pablo Escobar to the Last years of the prison that Mr. John Jairo alias jj lived, showing the most important and relevant events that he had to survive Escobar or rather the death of Escobar and during his confinement in prison.Privacy policies: